Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies

86,00 €

Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies View larger

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Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P.
10 x 1 ampoule in a box
Active ingredient: 100mg / 1ml Primobolan (Methenolone Enantate)

Application: Basissteroid, beginner steroid, high quality steroid and diet steroid. Likewise, Primobolan (Metenolone Enantat) is used by women! Flavored not to estrogens, not converted to DHT!

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Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. Is another name for methenolone or methenolone enanthate. As a drug Primobolan it shows low androgenic but strong anabolic effect.

Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. Is used mainly by athletes who want to see an „immediate“ or extremely fast visible effect. Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. Is a steroid with very minor side effects. This steroid is also used by women. Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. Is liked by athletes who do not want to do without steroids – but do not want to have any side effects. The possible side effects fall if at all so small that they are negligible. Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. Is often used as a „starter steroid“. On the one hand Due to the fast visible results and on the other hand because of the minor side effects. Further flavored Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. Not. Therefore, many possible side effects of other steroids are excluded – also this preparation is not „lebertoxic“!
Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. information

Methenelone is either injected intramuscularly as a methenolone enantate (Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. ) or orally as a methenolone acetate. The steroid is rapidly and completely resorbed after peroral absorption. After about 3.5 h, 90% are metabolized to conjugates. The plasma peak time is about one day. The elimination is carried out half by urine and stool. The ester methenolone acetate and the methenolone enantate are more effective since, depending on the tissue, they must first be converted into methenolone and the corresponding acid. The androgenic effect corresponds functionally to that of dihydrotestosterone (androstanolone). The use of Primobolan tablets was very common in bodybuilding circles in the 1970s.
Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. Commitment:

Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. is a synthetic anabolic steroid with very little androgenic properties. It has been widely used by bodybuilders to build muscle mass and strength. The medication is sluggish and the weight gain is gradual. Most athletes using the Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. say that it takes a period of about 6-8 weeks to build muscle mass sustainably. Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. is also preferred in the off-season or between steroid cures. The effect of Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. are similar to Deca Durabolin. The dose should be slightly higher.

Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. is a mild anabolic steroid with little to no androgenic effects at low doses. Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. is known to achieve great results in the build-up of muscle mass and strength. The diet must be rich in calories, proteins, vitamins, …. Many bodybuilders combine Primobolan with other anabolic steroids and bsp. Growth hormones.
Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. possible side effects:

Acne – possible but extremely rare with Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P.
Hair growth on the body – possible but extremely rare with Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P.
Prostate growth – possible but extremely rare with Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P.

Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. Dosage:

For Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. A dose of 250mg to 600mg / week is recommended. In women, a Primobolan 100mg Methenolon Enanthate Swiss Remedies U.S.P. Dose from 50mg to 100mg / week recommended.

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