Andarine S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals

80,00 €

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Andarine S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals
25mg per capsule / 100 capsules
Andarine S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals has an anabolic effect, fat burning and lowering of LPL (lipoprotein)
Duration: daily dose of 50 mg for around 6-8 weeks

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Product Description
Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals

Due to its binding affinity of androgen receptors, specifically, towards adipose tissue development, it provides impressive fat burning effects. Research also shows effective in decreasing lipoprotein (LPL), Which is an enzyme responsible for accumulation of lipid (fat storing). Due to its anabolic and androgenic effects in muscle tissue, Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals helps to aid in fat loss, while maintaining, and sometimes increasing muscle mass while cutting. User reviews share that it Significantly Increases vascularity and promotes quality and "hard" look, with very little water retention.
Advantages of Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals:

1/3 as androgenic as testosterone and muscle tissue.
nabolic at doses above 50 mg
Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals is great for strength
Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals is great for muscle hardness
Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals is great for enhanced vascularity
Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals great for endurance (aerobic or anaerobic)
Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals accelerated fat loss above 50mg
Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals joint healing effects
Half life of 4 hours

Advantages of Andario S-4 when Magnus Pharmaceuticals Compared to Steroids / Prohormones

Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals is non-methylated so it is not toxic to the liver or blood pressure. Some suppression may be present at doses of 50mg-run for longer than 4 weeks, however, and PCT full of prescription anti-estrogens like Clomid or nolva is not necessary. Great sense of well being while he (without the aggression Which can often detrimentally impact users daily lives).

No need for a long period time off between cycles; The recommended time of period for normal steroid cycles would be Time on + PCT, so for a typical 6 week cycle and 4 week PCT, a user would have to wait another 10 weeks after the PCT to start another cycle where SARMS recovery requires minimal rest in Between.
What is Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals?

As a research chemical, Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals belongs to a class of chemicals known as SARMS or selective androgen receptor modulators. Like typical androgens, SARMS bind to the androgen receptor, however SARMS create selective anabolic activity.
Compared to testosterone and other anabolic steroids and hormones to, the advantage of SARMS como Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals is that they do not have androgenic activity in non-muscle-skeletal tissues. Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals was designed for treatment of conditions Such as muscle wasting, osteoporosis and benign prostatic hypertrophy, using the non-steroidal androgen antagonist bicalutamide as a lead compound.
As an orally active agonist for partial androgen receptors, Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals is effective in not only maintaining lean body mass but actually increasing it.
How does Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals work?

Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMS) bind to the androgen receptor and demonstrate osteo (bone) and myo (muscular) anabolic activity.
Binding and activation of the androgen receptor alters the expression of genes and protein synthesis Increases Which Ultimately builds muscle. SARMS como Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals can cause muscle growth in the same manner as steroids, however unlike testosterone and other anabolic steroids, SARMS (as nonsteroidal agents) do not produce the effect on prostate growth and other secondary sexual organs. SARMS not only represent a potential new treatment option for a wide spectrum of conditions Such as muscle wasting diseases (from age-related to AIDS or cancer-related), but they also have immense potential for muscle building for bodybuilders and fitness athletes.
Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals in particular binds to the androgen receptor in muscle and bone, and a third of the affinity of testosterone.
Evidence of Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals Abilities?

The 4-Andario Magnus Pharmaceuticals (3 mg / kg / day) was also able to restore skeletal muscle (i.e., soleus muscle) and strength in castrated rats, important and applicable for the treatment of muscle wasting and male HRT. A 120-day study comparing SARM Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) treatment in ovariectomized rats Demonstrated that Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals was able to maintain bone mass and bone strength to the levels of intact controls and exhibited greater efficacy than DHT.

Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals also Demonstrated the ability to improve skeletal (soleus) muscle strength, increase lean body mass, reduce body fat, and Prevent Bone Loss.
Strength gains and lean mass gains - Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals:

Due to its androgenicity in muscle tissue, Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals is a good agent for Increases in strength without bloat and Large Increases in weight. Dosing is at 50mg +
is the sweet spot for Such gains.
Also due to its anabolic nature, these gains strength will come with associated gains in lean mass, albeit smaller than other more anabolic SARMS como Ostarine. Also, like the oral steroid Anavar (Var) weight gain with Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals may not be that great in comparison to bulking steroids Such as Deca or Superdrol, but what the lean mass and strength gained during the cycle is kept and not Lost after the cycle.

With all dosing protocols, as the half life of Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals is 4 hours, up splitting the dose into multiple applications is advised. Also due to this short half life, users have found that taking one of these doses for WO will offer increased performance in the gym.
Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals:

Losing Bodyfat (Cutting) Andario S-4 Pharmaceuticals Magnus!

Cutting is the environment where Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals truly shines. Certain steroids are Considered "cutting" Such as steroids Winstrol and Anavar. These steroids do not offer too much in large gains in muscle mass but are very effective in leaning out the points. The SARM Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals has very similar properties.

The presence of androgen receptors in human preadipocytes and adipocytes suggests that androgens may contribute, through regulation of their own receptors, to the control of adipose tissue development. As Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals shows this binding affinity to the AR, it demonstrates the Similar fat burning effects. Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals also shows a decrease in LPL (lipoprotein lipase) Which is an enzyme that causes lipid accumulation. Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals also fits into a cutting protocol for the concurrent reduction in body fat with maintenance of muscle mass in a hypocaloric environment.

One of the most disheartening outcomes of cutting is the loss of hard earned muscle mass. The drop in metabolic rate and hormone levels (T3, IGF, Testosterone etc) with the lack of calories is a perfect environment for catabolic loss of muscle tissue. As Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals has both anabolic and androgenic effects in muscle tissue, it will not only help with fat loss, but maintain and even increase muscle mass when cutting.

Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals Causes Increases in vascularity and promote a very nice, "quality", hard look to the users muscles, with little or no water retention.
In this way Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals can be Compared to Winstrol, without the harsh hair loss or extreme adverse effects on cholesterol.

Also other popular Steroids / Prohormones used for cutting Such as Winstrol or epistane can have a notable effect on the drying out of the joints. Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals does not suffer droughts consequences of the athlete is still able to lift heavy in order to maintain / increase muscle mass and strength. Another advantage Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals offers for cutting is that it does not give the painful pumps associated with other popular Steroids / Prohormones. Back and calf pumps are detrimental Particularly for cutting as it limits the ability to perform cardio.

Contents Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals

25 mg of 4-S Andario Magnus Pharmaceuticals
Chemical names Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals:

S-4, S-4 Andario Magnus Pharmaceuticals
Possible side effects Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals:

In the bodybuilding and athletic worlds, Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals is used as a side-effect free alternative to steroids. Although Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals negates the side effects listed above, there is one very unique side effect that comes with its use. When run at the + 50mg doses, many users report vision disturbances. Now these are only present when using Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals and quickly disappear when Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals use is discontinued.

The side effects are caused by the M1 metabolite and include night-time blindness and a slight yellowish tint to the vision for some users. Although these side effects are temporary, if they are still a concern, as suggested earlier, and 5 on 2 off protocol where Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals is used for 5 days followed by a 2 day break (Then this cycle is repeated) would Be the suggested dosing method.
Administration Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals:

Daily dose of 50mg Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals for roughly 6-8 weeks, while cutting. However, due to some vision side effects, we recommend following a "5 on, 2 off" format, where Andario is taken for 5 days, followed by a 2 day break for 6-8 weeks.

A protocol dosing of 50-75mg Andario S-4 Magnus Pharmaceuticals for 4-8 weeks will give good RECOMP effects. Diet must also be optimized to where calories are just above maintenance with at least 30% coming from lean sources of protein to get the best effect RECOMP. Of course, the RECOMP effects could be even greater if stacked or combined with a more anabolic SARM such as Ostarine.

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