Primobolan Tablets Genesis 50 tabs / 25 mg

107,00 €

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Primobolan, 25 mg/tab (50 pills), methenolone acetate, Genesis

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Pharmaceutical Name: methenolone enanthate 

Chemical Structure: 17ß-hydroxy-1-methyl-5a-androst-1-en-3-one heptanoate 

Effective Dose: minimum 400 mg/week


Primobolan is a DHT (dihydrotestosterone) derivative first produced by Schering pharmaceuticals. It is one of the safest anabolic steroids, having no estrogenic effects (it doesn’t aromatize to form estrogen) and less androgenic side-effects than, for instance, testosterone. Methenolone is a fairly long-acting steroid and weekly injections are fully sufficient. Most bodybuilders use Primobolan in cutting phases, although there is no real reason for not using it for mass gain. Thanks to its mild androgenic actions, it is quite popular with female athletes. Another advantage of this steroid is its lack of water retention (as it doesn’t aromatize) which results in well-cut body but also doesn’t cause high blood pressure.


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Safety: Primobolan is one of the safest anabolic steroids available, causing no estrogenic and little andogenic side effects. As it is not a 17-alpha alkylated compound, methenolone is also less liver-toxic than most other steroids. Still, prolonged use can cause liver disease and stop the natural testosterone production.


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