Magnyl Magnus HCG 5000

20,00 €

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HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) 5000 IU,   HCG

 Magnyl 1 vial + 1 solvent (injectable water)

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In the world of hormones confusion often abounds; look at therapeutic Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or performance enhancement and you’ll find hundreds of varying answers to the same question(s) and it often becomes difficult to really discover the truth. For reasons that are more confusing than the confusion that exists within hormones themselves for reasons that make very little sense, often hormones are discussed on the basis of emotion while rational and logical thinking give way to intrinsic hysteria. In the world of anabolic androgenic steroids this phenomena is easy to see but it stretches far beyond steroids into most every hormone that can be used in any sense of performance enhancement. Human Growth Hormone is a prime example of this confusion and while it may take first prize, without question Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is in the running neck and neck.

There are truly many uses for the hCG hormone and we will hopefully here alleviate some of your confusion. hCG can be a very useful tool in both HRT and performance enhancement but as is with all things in life there is a right way and a wrong way to use it. In many ways to understand the benefits we only need to look at the hormone itself, what it is and from there we can easily explain the benefits within as well as guide you through proper use.


Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a glycoprotein hormone produced in the embryo of pregnant women. No, hCG is not an anabolic steroid as it is often labeled, it is a glycoprotein belonging to the class of hormones known as peptides, the same class of hormones from which IGF-1 and HGH belong to. Comprised of 237 amino acids this naturally occurring peptide exhibits the action of the pituitary released Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and essential gonadotropin itself; as you may be able to see, to understand hCG fully we must understand gonadotropins.

hCG Cycles & Doses:

For Human Chorionic Gonadotropin use while on a cycle of anabolic steroids there is no reason to begin use until at least 4 weeks have passed into the cycle. Once this point is reached 300iu-500iucan be applied every 5th day for approximately 4 weeks of use. Once the 4th week is completed a 4 week off period will need to take place and then you can repeat if desired and so on and so on. However, from what we’ve discussed above you may have already gathered we do not recommend this method. If hCG is to be used during cycle, while many will do so as we just described we find that using the same dosing protocol the final weeks of the cycle and those weeks only to be the most efficient while further continuing use into ones PCT plan.

For post cycle hCG use, while the final above on cycle method would also partially encompass PCT the following is generally our favorite. Once the cycle ends you will start hCG but the time frame will depend on the anabolic steroids that the cycle ended with. For example, if the cycle ended with any long ester gear we will wait approximately 10-14 days before hCG therapy begins; if it ends will all short ester based steroids your hCG therapy will begin approximately 3-4 days after your final anabolic steroid administration. In either case 1,000iu will be administered every day for 10 straight days followed by a good 3-4 week run of Nolvadex or Clomid therapy; in many cases it may be a good idea to use a little Nolvadex while using hCG for this purpose at a low 10mg-20mg dose, then upping the dose to a full 40mg per day when the hCG is discontinued.
It is important to note, mild cycles and cycles of short duration will not require hCG use; for example, an 8-12 week cycle of 500mg of testosterone per week will probably not require such therapy but when we reach the 12 week mark and beyond or when doses reach high performance levels post cycle hCG is strongly recommended. By performing such therapy we will greatly enhance our recovery, lead ourselves to a faster recovery, hold onto more of our gains and most importantly of all maintain a better state of overall health.

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